Common Codes

The list of common result codes / response codes applicable to all APIs and Webhook

HTTP Response Status Codes



HTTP_CODE must be indicated in the head object in the response body. This helps the Rimit and the Entity to ensure whether the responses are valid or not.

Please refer to HTTP STATUS Codes to understand more.

200 - Request is successful

400 - Bad request (encryption/decryption failed/ Error occurred)

401 - Unauthorized (unauthorized access not allowed)

406 - Not Acceptable (Mismatch in details provided)

409 - Conflict (Unable to process request data)

503 - Service Unavailable (Service unavailable due to technical issue)

Result Code


If the request is processed successfully, the response must be SUCCESS.

1001 - SUCCESS


HOLD applies only to cash-based transactions. WITHDRAWAL and DEPOSIT.

1002 - HOLD


The FAILED status applicable if the transaction fails due to the reason codes stated in the confirmDebit / confirmCredit.


The ERROR status result codes applicable to a request and response in the API are listed on the corresponding API documentation page.

2001 - Failed due to technical error

2002 - Error with the service provider

2003 - Service is not available

2004 - Authentication failed

2005 - Server Down

2006 - Cannot process this request

2007 - Encryption failed

2008 - Decryption failed

2009 - Hash validation failed

2091 - Transaction details do not match

2092 - Transaction reference is not unique

2093 - Transaction reference must be the same for HOLD

9988 - Entity is inactive

9989 - Insufficient virtual account balance

Last updated